Welcome to the first and only International Journal for Psychotherapists, Counselors and Psychiatrists: the International Journal of Psychotherapy, Counseling & Psychiatry Theories, Researches & Clinical Practices (IJPCP). Although practitioners, researchers and academicians from these three disciplines are related with the vision of the provision of effective therapy for patients with psychological disorders and the promotion of good mental health, until now, there is no platform for them collaborate. Recent development in neuroscience and neuro psychotherapy and psychiatry has provided the timely opportunity for these collaborations to take place.
The IJPCP provides also a forum for the collaboration of the development of theories, researches and clinical practices for the first time in the history of psychotherapy, counseling and psychiatry. The need for collaboration in these three related professional activities have been taking place as often we see good researches that were conducted as a result of the formulation of bold theories which themselves were often formulated as a result of insights gained from clinical practices and there have been new publications such as the International Journal of Neuropsychotherapy and Neuropsychotherapy in Australia, which have started to address some these collaborations.
We therefore welcome clinical practitioners, researchers and thinkers in the field of Psychotherapy, Counselling & Psychiatry to contribute your dialogue and your work in the areas of theoretical developments and formulations, researches or/and clinical practices to the IJPCP.
Chief Editor,
Dr. Edward WengLok Chan FMAPsy., FMCBTA., FECARE., PMMSCM.
D.Phil.(Psy), M.Sc.(Learning), B.Sc(Psy)(Hons)
ijpcp@psychology.com.my |
Editor-in-Chief Dr. Edward WengLok Chan
Assistant Editor Stella Tan Hui Sian
Creative and Art Editor Allen Beh
PROF. MAN CHEUNG CHUNG, PhD (Philosophy), AFBPsS. DR. WENGLOK CHAN, FMAPsy., FMCBTA., FECARE., PMMSCM, D.Phil.(Psy). DR. RONALD R. O’DONNELL, Ph.D Clinical Professor. DR. MARK THORPE, Ph.D Clinical Psychology. DR. COLIN ROSS, M.D. (Psychiatry). DR. EDUARDO C. CALIGNER, Ph.D, RGC.
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EMAIL: IJPCP@Psychology.com.my