In the article is considered the influence of the different parental styles-authoritarian; democratic; permissive; and style of rejection, on the emergence and development of aggression in children and adolescents. They have been formulated the following hypotheses:1. It was assumed that the protective style of parenting that inhibits the development of social intelligence, and the permissive style, leading to a perception that any behavior is acceptable, are associated with aggression in childhood.2. It was assumed that the authoritarian style of parenting, in which is used the method of punishment, is associated with aggression, both in childhood and adolescence. The results show that a key factor for the development of aggression has been proved to be the authoritarian style of parenting. The study has implications for the family counseling related to the treatment of the parental patterns and relationships in families with children and adolescents with aggressive behavior. The results for the "autoritarian style“, key to the emergence of aggression, especially in adolescence, shows that the parental counseling should include training, related to the discussion of alternative styles of behavior. It is appropriate the parents to be included in training for the so-called education of management strategies of parenting - by offering case studies and exercises on the issue of effective methods of rewards and punishments against children and adolescents.
Aggression in children and adolescents
It was found that family conflicts are a major factor in the emergence of aggressive behavior in adolescents (Крайг, Г. & Бокум, Д., 2007). It has been shown that the men from aggressive families have a higher level of antisocial behavior(Бэрон, Р. &Ричардсон, Д., 1999). The different parenting styles can also influence the emergence and maintenance of aggressive behavior(Стаматов, Р., 2008; Herbert, M. Harper-Dorton, K.,2002). In the authoritarian style the parents often resort to physical punishment. The physical punishment formed the belief that it is a means of controlling other people. In the protective style the child has limited contacts, which hinders the development of its social intelligence, prerequisite for aggression The democratic style creates conditions for the development of social competence and readiness to be used prosocial strategies. The children have high self-esteem and self-control. In the permissive style there is a feeling that each type of behavior is admissible even if it is hostile. In the style of rejection the adolescents can not develop self-confidence and social competence, as they often exhibit antisocial behavior (Стаматов,Р., 2008).
In the childhood aggression may result from the use of methods such as punishment; withdrawal of the love of parents, leading to anxiety, often associated with aggression; inability of parents to control their emotions, which can become a model of behavior of the child.
In adolescence, from a psychoanalytic perspective, the aggression is the result of the desire for separation from parents, leading to expulsion of the superego (internalized as parental values), respectively to antisocial behavior(Фройд, А.,1999). It is clear that parenting style, leading to a negative attitude towards the parents (as the authoritarian, associated with the application of methods of punishment) will lead to a strong reaction of expulsion of the superego and manifestation of aggression, unaccompanied by feeling of guilt, as a result.
Empirical design
The aim of the study is to establish what is the relationship between the family environment and aggression in children and adolescents in three aspects: parental models, family relationships and life style.
1. It was assumed that the protective style of parenting that inhibits the development of social intelligence, and the permissive style, leading to a perception that any behavior is acceptable, are associated with aggression in childhood.
2. It was assumed that the authoritarian style of parenting, in which is used the method of punishment, is associated with aggression, both in childhood and adolescence.
Research objectives
1. To establish what is the relationship between the various dimensions of parental style and aggression in children and adolescents.
2. To establish the presence or absence of a difference in regard to the different dimensions of parental style in aggressive to non-aggressive individuals in childhood and adolescence.
3. To draw specific recommendations for counseling of parents of children and adolescents with aggression.
The survey was conducted in 2008 . It was found out in our sample that 21 boys and 19 girls in childhood, and 20 boys and 17 girls in adolescence, are aggressive, which formed the focus groups. Also it was found that 57 boys and 47 girls in childhood and 35 girls and 34 boys in adolescence are non-aggressive, which formed the control groups.
Research instruments
1. PARI / Parental attitude research instrument/. It includes 23 attributes, 8 - describe the attitude of the parent towards his parental role; 15 - relationships between parent and child. These 15 indicators are divided into three groups: 1 - optimal emotional contact, 2 - emotional distance, 3 -excessive concentration on the child (Schaffer, E. & Bell, R, 1958).
2. Aggression and depression questionnaire, designed for elementary school students (Шишков, A., 2000).
3. Aggression questionnaire (Buss, D. & Perry, M., 1992), verified in psycho-diagnostic practice.
Data processing
1. Regression analysis. It was used to study the relationship between various aspects of the family environment and the aggression.
2. Student’s test. He was used to measure statistically significant differences in the various aspects of family relationships between the group of aggressive and the group of non-aggressive children, respectively, between the group of aggressive and the group of non-aggressive adolescents.
1. Relationship between the dimensions of parental style and aggression
It was found relationship between the dimensions of : family conflicts (b= 0. 34, F = 5. 60; p <0. 001) and unnecessary rigor (b = 0. 45; F = 8. 51; p <0. 01) and aggression.
It was found relationship between the dimension of: equality of parent and child (b= 0. 24, F = 4. 35; p <0. 05) and aggression.
A relationship between the dimensions of: suppression of aggression (b= 0. 42, F = 9. 61; p <0. 01) and the scale of verbal aggression had been found out; excessive interference in the child's world (b = 0. 26, F = 3. 28; p <0. 01) and the scale of anger; rigor to the child (b = 0. 41, F = 5. 21; p <0. 01)and the scale of verbal aggression.
A relationship between the dimensions of: rigor to the child (b= 0. 34, F = 8. 12; p <0. 01) and the scale of hostility; and stimulatation of verbal expression (verbalization) (b = -0. 43, F = 14. 31; p <0. 01) and the scale of hostility.
2. Intergroup comparison
In this case, the aggressiveness of the respondents was measured as total aggregate score of the evaluation of the four different scales of the questionnaire of Buss-Perry.
The results show a statistically significant difference between the groups of aggressive and non-aggressive in respect to the dimensions of: family conflicts (t = 5,76; p <0. 05); equality between parent and child (t = 2. 34; p <0. 05); and suppression of aggressiveness (t = 2. 78, p <0. 05) (Figs. 1,2 and 3).
Figure 1. Average values for the dimension of "family conflicts" for the groups of aggressive and non-aggressive individuals
Figure 2. Average values for the dimension of "suppression of aggression" for the groups of aggressive and non-aggressive individuals
Figure 3. Average values for the dimension of "equality of parent and child" for the groups of aggressive and non-aggressive individuals
Results showed a statistically significant difference between the groups of aggressive and non-aggressive in respect to the dimension of : equality between parent and child (t = 2,67; p <0. 05) (Fig. 4)
Figure 4 . Average values for dimension "equality of parent and child" groups of aggressive and non-aggressive individuals
The results show a statistically significant difference between the groups of aggressive and non-aggressive adoescents in relation to the dimension of: inhibition of the aggression (t = 4,35; p <0. 001) with respect to the total score of aggression(Fig. 5).
Figure 5. Average values for the dimension of "suppression of aggression" for the groups of aggressive and non-aggressive individuals
Results showed a statistically significant difference between the focus and the control group in relation to the dimension: stimulation of verbal expression (verbalization) (t = 3,67; p <0. 05) in relation to the total score of aggression (Fig. 6)
Figure 6. Average values for the dimension " stimulation of the verbal expression" for the groups of aggressive, respectively non- aggressive individuals
Analysis Of The Results
The result for the dimension "rigor to the child" (b = 0. 45; F = 8. 51; p <0. 01) confirmed the hypothesis that the authoritarian parenting style that involves coercion and suppression is associated with aggression in the sample of boys. This is probably because the boys in their contacts with peers reproduced the pattern of the use of force, based on the belief that this is typical of the behavior of man. The physical punishment formed the belief that the physical force is a means of controlling the others. Probably for the same reason, it turned out that the family conflicts lead to aggression in the boys, as they have, unlike the girls, attitude to internalize the role of aggressor in the family.
The thesis that the protective parental style, preventing the development of social intelligence, is linked with aggression was not confirmed. This can be explained in the context of the reasoning of such a relationship. As stated Р.Стаматов the aggression in this case would only appeared as an indirect result of the application of this parenting style.
The hypothesis of the permissive style was confirmed. The result for the dimension "equal relations between parent and child" (b = 0. 24, F = 4. 35; p <0. 05) shows that the permissive style of parenting is associated with aggression in girls. This is so as the unconditional acceptance of any kind of behavior may lead to the belief that everything, even aggression are allowed. It turns out that at this age, the individual still needs of control of his behavior, also of precise definition of the concepts of good and evil, as far as he could not form lasting standards of behavior.The fact that a similar result applies only to the girls is of interest. At that point, we could cite as an explanation the thesis of N.Marshall, borrowed from the psychoanalytic conception of the differences in the formation of the Superego in the boys and the girls. Boys formed a strong superego as internal instance of the observance of the moral standards, because of Castration anxiety, associated with increased fear of punishment
The results of the investigation of the depression and the aggression (Стоева,Т., 2015) show that the family conflicts associated with the presence of aggression in boys (b= 0. 34, F = 5. 60; p <0. 001) and depression in girls. Quite indicative would be a study, devoted to gender differences in this period, in terms of the internalisation (in the form of depression) / and externalisation (in the form of aggression) of the negative experiences.
The result for the dimension "suppression of aggression" (t = 4,35; p <0. 001) confirms the thesis that the authoritarian style of parenting, combined with penalties and excessive rigor is associated with aggression in adolescence. It appears that the inhibition of aggression does not decrease, but rather increases it. It can be assumed theoretically, that this refers to the instrumental aggression, associated with the achievement of certain external purposes, whose repression is experienced as frustration. This is confirmation of the theory of aggression as a result of frustration.
The results of of the investigations of the anxiety and the aggression (Стоева,Т., 2015). show the existence of a common strategy of parenting (namely, the strategy for suppression of aggressiveness) associated with aggression and anxiety. It appears that the suppression of aggressiveness lead to anxiety , in some cases, or to aggression in others- in adolescence. This supports the idea of a link between these two disorders of behavior and emotions, which is based on the mechanism of fight / flight in threat to certain values.
The result for the dimension "stimulation of verbal expression" (t = 3,67; p <0. 05), showing that with increasing of the verbalization of the girls in the adolescence the aggressiveness decreases. This can be explained by the idea that unlike the boys (which should permanently differentiated themselves from the mother and redirect to an external site at this age) the girls on the contrary, turn back to the mother and communication with her in search of their identity.
Results for aggression, on the other hand, show genderl differentiation, in respect to its components - cognitive, emotional and behavioral, which can be identified by the questionnaire of Buss-Perry. The result, showing that the boys are characterized by behavioral manifestations of aggression (verbal aggression, in this case) and the girls are characterized by cognitive manifestation of aggression (hostility), is theoretically justified . This is understandable in view of the fact that the stereotype of masculinity involves the idea of an open act of aggression.
Comparative Study
In the current research on the parenting styles and the aggression in children and adolescents, the researchers specify the construct of aggression, distinguishing an additional parameter of aggressive behavior, which terminological termed "relational aggression" (J.Casas & S.Weigel, 2006). The relational aggression is described as including behaviors that are intentionally aimed at causing detriment by damaging the relationship or are related to the threat of harm to such a relationship (J.Casas & S.Weigel, 2006). As an example of relational aggression can be identified spreading gossip or lies for close friend, and the use of behavior aimed at social exclusion. As a result of this conceptualization, the research field of aggressive behavior in children is expanding. It is not surprising that empirical studies establish gender differentiation regarding the factors of aggressive behavior between girls and boys (Rubin, K. & Stewart, S., 1995; Block, J., 1983). Thus, in the study of J. Block it was found that the boys are more likely to use physical aggression, which confirms the thesis that the prevalence of instrumentally oriented dominance goals is typical of the male sex. On the other hand, it was observed that girls use relational forms of aggression, whose aim is connected with the need to achieve affiliations and psychological proximity, typical of the female sex.
On the other hand, J.Casas & S.Weigel conduct research in the context of opposition of physical /relational aggression in children and parenting styles. They found that the authoritarian and the permissive parenting style is associated with physical aggression in children. These researchers explain the obtained results with the thesis that the forceful behavior of the parent (the use of threats, statements disparaging the qualities of children) give the children an example that the aggressive behavior is acceptable in the interaction between people. Conversely, at high degree of permissibility in the parental behavior children receive a tacit message that even the forceful aggression is acceptable, as it is unpunished.
The same study examines the effect of the differentiation of parental behavior in the context of the gender specificity of the parental role. It turns out that the authoritarian and the permissive style, both in the mother and the father, led to physical and relational aggression in girls and boys. Specific effect is observed for the pemessive style used by mothers, as it turns out that their behavior of permissibility lead to relational aggression in the girls, significantly higher than that in the boys. The authors explain this result with the thesis of identification of girls with the mother and easier interiorising norms and behaviors arising from it.
J.Casas & S.Weigel explore other parameters of parental style, found that behaviors that may be included in the category of parental style of emotional neglect and behaviors associated with emotional abuse are pathogenic to the emergence of aggression in children. They said that the invisible factors of psychological control as- withdrawal of love, guilt inducing, excessive possessiveness and protective behavior of the parent, lead to aggression in children. The study found that the withdrawal of love and the emotional responsiveness of parents are the most important predictors of the occurrence of aggression and the authors define these two dimensions of parental style as core of the manipulation in any relationship. With regard to gender specificity of the parental role, it appears that the father, not the mother, is important for the presence of aggression in girls. This result is consistent with the idea of the father's role in the life of the daughter (Casas, J. & Weigel, S., 2006)
On the other hand in the investigation of N.Marshall it appears that the gender of children mediates the relationship between parental style and aggressiveness. He noted that the style of permissiveness is pathogenic only to the girls.The explanation for this result he finds in the psychoanalytic setting for the differences in the formation of the superego in the boys and the girls. Boys formed a strong superego as internal instance of the observance of moral standards, because of Castration complex, associated with increased fear of punishment.
Our study confirms the result of the examination of J.Casas & S.Weigel for the role of the authoritarian and the permissive style as pathogenic factors for aggression in children. Our study confirmed the results of the survey of N.Marshall, proved that the permissive style is particularly pathogenic for the girls. On the other hand, the result of the style of emotional abuse , obtained in the study of J.Casas & S.Weigel, was not confirmed in the present, probably because we explored another dimension of this abuse, not related to the presence of affective negative attitude towards the child, but with the presence of indifferent attitude. It turns out that the existence of a clear rejection of the child is more significant factor in the development of aggression , compared to the implicit rejection.
In a study of Y.Kawabata & L.A link the parental style and the aggression in adolescence as it been found that the so-called positive parenting associated with the collaborative style, the authoritarian parenting style, associated with psychological control and the style of emotional neglect, correlate with aggressiveness in this age. With regard to the gender specificity of the parental role, it appears that the role of the father is distinguished for the psychological control (in the case of positive relationship between this dimension and the aggressiveness) and the role of the mother is distinguished for the emotional neglect (in the case of positive connection between this dimension and the aggressiveness) and for the collaborative style (in the case of negative relationship between this dimension and aggressiveness). The authors explain these results concerning the role of the father with the idea that fathers as men exsercise a higher level of control than mothers, and the results concerning the role of the mother- with the idea that adolescents expect more care from their mothers than from their fathers.
L.Dong-Ping conduct research on the impact of two types of variables on aggressiveness in adolescents- parental style and personal variables. This study was carried out in the context of conceptualization of aggression as a direct versus indirect type. They found that parental styles- as the authoritarian, cooperative and permissive, are associated with indirect aggression, and the personality variables – as the excessive control and anger, are related to the direct aggression. The researchers explain this result with other findings in the survey, namely that the relationship between the parental style and the aggressiveness is mediated by the normative beliefs about the aggression and therefore the aggression is indirect, more subtle and "elusive".
In terms of adolescence in our study it was confirmed the importance of the authoritarian style as a pathogenic factor in respect of the aggressiveness at this age. There is a link, as a psychological opposition, between the result of the style of emotional neglect of the study of Y.Kawabata & L.Alink, and the results of our study for the scale of "stimulation of the verbal expression"- relating to the parent as empathic. It turns out that the girls of this age continue to feel the need of close relationships and sharing with their parents.
Summary And Recommendations
The study confirms the assumption that the parental behavior is associated with aggression in children and adolescents. A key factor for the development of aggression has been proved to be the authoritarian style of parenting.
The study has implications for the family counseling related to the treatment of the parental patterns and relationships in families with children and adolescents with aggressive behavior. The results for the "autoritarian style“, key to the emergence of aggression, especially in adolescence, shows that the parental counseling should include training, related to the discussion of alternative styles of behavior. It is appropriate the parents to be included in training for the so-called education of management strategies of parenting - by offering case studies and exercises on the issue of effective methods of rewards and punishments against children and adolescents.
The result for the parameter "suppression of aggression" (which is a major aspect of the authoritarian style), associated with increased aggression and anxiety in adolescents, shows that in the counseling could be included educational and training techniques for acquiring skills and raising the awareness of the parents of constructive methods of dealing with the aggression, such as explanation- instead of methods, associated with the coercion and the punishment. It is to raise awareness of parents about the nature of aggression at this age, which may reflect lack of skills for self-assertion, which is the main task of this age period.
The result for the dimension "equality of parent and child", representing the aspect of the permissive style shows the need to raise awareness of parents about the role of the distance and asymmetry in the relationship with the child, for the purpose of imposing disciplinary impacts on it.
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