Message from the Editor


This 4th Volume of the IJPCP again sees rich and diverse contributions from Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists and Counselors from Institutions from around the world. We have research articles on PTSD; Organisational Psychology case study on Motivation; a Meta-Analysis review article on post stroke Depression; a MultiCultural review on stress management and Investigations on Chronic Pain and Etiology of Psychological Disturbances. I trust these papers will continue the discussions on these topics with Psychologists, Psychotherapits, Counselors and Psychiatrists across the areas of research, theory and clinical practice. Please forward any reflections on these topics and on topics on previous volumes and we will get them published on the next volume.


Dr. Edward Chan 
D.Phil.(Psy), M.Sc.(Learning), M.Sc.(Nutritional Medicine), B.Sc.(Psy)(Hons), 
Cert(Brain Based Therapy), Cert(CBT),
Cert(Couple & Family Therapy),  
Dip(AntiAging & Regenerative Medicine), CSAC(Certified Substance Abuse Counselor)
Licensed Amen Clinics Therapist

Chief Editor


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